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After moving through a challenging, uncomfortably expansive experience with cancer at 30 years old I began offering my guidance from wisdom gained to others living among the darkness. My sharing began inside my community of Cancer Warriors and opened up to all over time. 

As years went on and my service grew so did my personal soul healing and connection to the divine. With each conversation and opportunity to tap into Source consciousness, I became acutely aware of a common pain point among us and subsequently the magical, miraculous healing power of awakening the soul. 

What I was shown repeatedly as a theme among the collective was a soul severed life causing festering discontentment and deep suffering. Although circumstances vary as well as degrees of discomfort and dissatisfaction, at the core of it all there is one simple reason.

Pain lives inside the forgetting of our truest nature for a forgotten soul leads us down a haphazard path lacking right direction and purest truth.

As my years build as a spiritual guide I have found great fascination in the direct connection made between one's suffering and their level of spiritual ownership. I witness again and again the power of the awakened, honored, and tended to soul. It is what holds the power to heal all ailments within as well as among our collective. 

Embodying this truth, I am pulled every moment of every day to serve my brothers and sisters on their sacred journey home to the true, whole trinity of Self (mind, body, soul). It is here where internal peace and creative joy are experienced and the foundation is built for a beautiful love-sourced togetherness here on earth. 


fine tuning

Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical/Community Psychology

Master’s Degree in Counseling and Organizational Psychology

Intuitive Healing Practitioner

Usui Reiki Practitioner

Plant Medicine Facilitator

spiritual guidance | five sessions

Expand your knowing of the truest you + enrich your spiritual toolkit over the course of 5 hour-long phone sessions. Together we call on your mighty Spirit Team (spirit guides, archangels, guardian angels) to lead you toward your greatest expression + biggest joy. Be nourished with energy clearings, mental reworking, and intuitive counsel as well as tools to carry forward. Schedule your sessions weekly for focused work or use them as needs arise. Requested energy exchange is $777.

private ceremony | three month journey

Experience the profound healing power of plant medicine, sacred ceremony, and source guidance as you journey inside a disciplined season of reacquainting with, caring for, and tending to Self. Month one is spent cleansing the physical, mental, and energetic body. A dieta set to aid in your frequency lift and grand receiving of cacao + mushroom medicine is introduced + practiced. Rituals are established to bring forth the softness of forgiveness + gratitude amidst the abrasion of one’s unfiltered Self exploration and diligent mending. Conscious conversation by way of weekly phone sessions and daily voice messaging flow throughout. Ceremony takes place at the midway point .. a beautiful half day together diving deep into Self with the guidance of a moderate dose of mushroom medicine. Your weeks following ceremony are dedicated to your practice + integration as you shift and remold in alignment with your highest. Requested energy exchange is $3333.

Curious? Send me a text at 310.465.9154 to coordinate a time to connect.

cacao + mushroom ceremony

SATURDAY, MAY 11th + 18th | 5:00PM | REDONDO BEACH

Ceremony begins with intention setting while sipping warm ceremonial cacao blended with a moderate dose of high frequency mushroom powder. Small movement is then introduced to begin the stirring of our energetic body before making our way into a deep nature inspired guided meditation designed for chakra balancing and divine connection. Healing sound is woven into our togetherness and powered by Source direction. Conscious conversation bookends our ceremony.

Our container holds up to 6 people. Please send me a text 310.465.9154 to check availability + secure your space or to coordinate a ceremony overview + intention call if you are a first-timer. 

Prefer to sit solo or with a curated group of friends? Reach out via text.

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conversation starter